

翻译这个行业,我自认为还是很有前途的,不如说我认为所有行业都是有前途的。 虽然现在机器翻译在迅速发展,但是那翻出来的是什么鬼?我随便打个乱码都比那些好得多。不过也有引擎在用机器学习,有的字句翻出来还是能看的。 可以预见的是,初级翻译可能会慢慢被取代,但是中高级翻译会一直存在下去。 However,想达到中高级翻译的水平,要投入很多很多时间和精力,一般人没有那个兴趣和耐心,这得更深层次的学习。

我自己空闲时间翻过喜欢的内容(没错,就是游戏剧情、小说、漫画之类的),那时候真的很快乐,能读故事又能提升能力。 但是有些对于有些一眼就能看懂的文本,尤其是日常内容,让译文本地化还是需要斟酌一番的,世界各地的文化都不相同嘛~ 这时候就会比较无聊,但是能翻出通俗易懂的译文,自己还是会感到高兴的。除此之外,将原文某句话翻译得很好的时候,会有种拨云见日的感觉。

其他方面,硬要说的话,就是: 翻译作为工作,有时候真的会很累,我就谈谈我在网上看到的。


翻译是一个需要高强度注意力集中的事情,和写代码差不多。 所以,理论一天工作8小时,实际上能保持注意力集中的时间不多。 一小时300~600字,这是一件很累的事(类比考试) 而译者的工作,属于不集中注意力就0产出的工作,所以对比行业收入,并不是很高。 前10%~5%的译者,收入一般也就7000~12000,并不是很高。




口译工资2500~15000/月不等,这要视口译内容和场合难度而定。 另外特别指出:同声传译 英语类1天1.2万~2.1万元人民币,一般需要2~3位译员组成一个同声传译组进行交替工作,上述价格为一个小组一天的翻译价格,据此推断,同声传译最低一天收入4000元人民币。 某翻译中心的英译同声翻译报价是:有稿件为2500元/小时,如果由资深译员担任则为3500-4000元/小时,如果客户不提供稿件,则为4000元/小时,由资深译员担任则为8000元/小时 就答主个人经验而言,同声传译真的非常的操心,真的很累!基本上开始翻译的时候身体的所有注意力心力、体力都集中在脑子、耳朵和嘴巴上了。一轮下来要很有点时间才能恢复身体的其他机能。一轮同传下来同事经常给我的评价是:呆了~,还呆着,还没恢复!


本人英文水平勉强读懂国外新闻文章和英文文献,翻译这份工作啊,之前有过那么一点点念头,但是了解后就打消了。 毕竟政府公文、各类证明、合同规章、说明书等等稿件,翻译起来还是十分枯燥的。


人生有三大追求,名,利,权。 笔译啊,成名的机会小,所获得的利又很微薄,至于权,只能靠外交部和领导口译这条路了。

最后附上两篇我认为还不错的文章: 翻译工作有前途么?我感觉笔译的工资很低啊 - FreelanCircle的回答 - 知乎 翻译这件小事 - ThoughtWorks洞见



口译,顾名思义,是现场的口头翻译。 口译一般是即时的,现场的,短时的,有时候甚至的同步的工作,主要通过“听”来理解说话人的意思,获取信息。 口译就其工作方式而言一 般可分为即席翻译(consecutive interpretation)和同声传译(simultaneous interpretation)两大类。

讲话人说完一句话、一段话甚至一整篇后,由译员在现场立即译给听众的口译方式就叫做即席翻译,也称交替传译或连续翻译。 这种翻译方式主要用于两种情况: 一是正式会见、政治会谈、外交或商务谈判、公务交涉、大会发言、学术交流、新闻发布会、记者招待会、宴会祝酒、开幕式、闭幕式、法庭辩论、情况介绍会等正规场合,译员往往要借助笔记进行口译; 二是接待、礼宾迎送、陪同、参观、游览、宴会、购物、娱乐、生活安排等日常会话中。

同声传译则是讲话人一面讲,译员一面译的口译方式。同声传译主要用于国际会议。 同声传译可以分为三种情况: 一是会议传译,即译员利用大会会场的电化设备,在传译箱里通过耳机收听讲话人的讲话,马上又通过话筒译给听众,几乎与讲话人同步,最多比讲话人慢几秒钟: 二是视译(sight interpretation),即译员一面看原文讲稿或书面材料(如讲话稿),一面译出材料的内容。一般要求译员不停地看,不停地译,而不是看完一句译一句; 三是耳语传译(whispering),即译员把会议上听到的话,立即小声地译给身边的一两个人听。讲话人不停地讲。 耳语翻译一般对原讲话有较大的压缩与概括。这种传译也称“咬耳朵”翻译。

从实际工作的要求来看,口译的标准可归结为“信、达、速” (也可把它归结为“准、顺、快”)。 “信”是指忠于原话的内容与精神,不随意增、减,不胡编乱造,所译的语言风格应尽量贴近原话。 “达”是指通顺自然,干脆利落,不拘泥于原话的词语和结构,用符合目标语用法习惯的话把原话的思想内容表达出来。 “速”有两方面的含义, 一是译员说话不能太慢,其语速应相当于或略快于讲话的语速; 二是讲话人停顿后译员应立即开始译,中间的间隔一般不能超过两三秒,否则就会影响口译效果,招致听众的不满。 三条标准之中,“信”是主要标准,是口译的基础和核心。


笔译,即是书面的翻译。 笔译对时间和地点没有特殊的限制,主要通过“读”理解原文,获取信息。 笔译要求做到“信、达、雅”,三者相辅相成、缺一不可。



委员建议对996工作制监管,网友吵翻了 Supervision proposed to prevent overworking


Members of China's top political advisory body have proposed reinforced and effective supervision to stop companies overworking their employees. 中国最高政治咨询机构成员提议加强和落实有效的监管制度,禁止企业压榨员工。

Since 2019, the 996 work culture — which means working from 9 am to 9 pm six days a week, a schedule widely used at tech companies — has sparked public debate, with some industry insiders calling it a "blessing". 2019年以来,“996”工作制已经引发诸多舆论,而某些业内人士则称其为“福报”。

The issue of overworking employees is getting worse, said Li Guohua, a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, pointing out that the absence of official supervision and protection by labor unions has led to the current situation. “996(企业员工过度加班)问题愈演愈烈。”中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会成员——李国华在大会上说到,并指出,官方监管失序、工会失灵是造成当下状况的原因。

"Some companies require employees to work more than 380 hours a month — even more than 996, under which 300 working hours a month are required," he said. "More hectic working schedules are prevailing in areas including short-video sharing, online education, ride-hailing and e-commerce." 他还提到:“有的公司要求员工每月工作380小时以上,甚至远远高出996的每月300小时工作时间。现在在短视频、在线教育、出行、电商等领域,部分互联网企业,又开始推行‘大小周’工作制。”

Wang Meihua, also a CPPCC National Committee member and deputy chief engineer at Shanghai Construction Group, said that official work hours have also been blurred at companies that rely on calls or instant messaging services for their business. For such enterprises, some employees are required to remain on standby 24 hours a day. 全国政协委员、上海建工集团副总工程师——王美华说到,企业用电话或即时通讯服务模糊正式工作时间,有的企业甚至要求员工一天24小时待命。

"Missing any calls or not replying to instant messages immediately will be regarded as a breach of duty that has led some to lose their jobs," Wang said. 王(美华)说:“漏接电话或不及时回复就算违规,甚至会遭到开除。”

Li urged authorities to pay more attention to the problem while enhancing regulations to protect workers' well-being. 李国华建议政府高度重视996问题,同时设立规章制度,保护劳动者的生命健康权。

The problem is complex. 其实这个问题很复杂。

On the one hand, authorities have made some headway. In November 2019, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released a labor contract guideline stating that work time is not allowed to exceed eight hours a day or 40 hours a week. 一方面,政府已经在此问题上有所进展。2019年11月,人力资源和社会保障部在劳动合同指引中明确表示一天工作时间不得超过8个小时,一周工作时间不得超过40个小时。

Work time can be stretched after negotiations, but overtime should not exceed one hour a day in general or three hours a day in special circumstances. Further, no more than 36 working hours can be added over a one-month period, according to the guideline. 工作时间经协商后可适当延长,加班时间通常情况下一天不得超过1个小时,特殊情况一天不得超过3个小时。根据《指引》,企业一个月内的加班时间不得超过36个小时。

This is on top of the nation's Labor Law, which states that people should work no more than eight hours a day or 44 hours on average every week. 国家劳动法首要规定就是,工人们每天工作时间不得超过8个小时,平均每周不得超过44个小时。

"The nation's high-quality development is an endurance race, driven by the labor force's physical and psychological health," said Lyu Guoquan, also a member of the CPPCC National Committee. 全国政协委员——吕国泉说道:“高质量发展是一场耐力赛。劳动者的身心健康不仅是这场比赛的推动力,也应是衡量高质量发展的重要指标之一。”

"Valuing people and protecting their health is the right way to generate fortunes." “秉持以人为本的原则,关注和维护劳动者的身心健康,才是创造价值和利润的正确路径。”

On the other hand, workers in many sectors in China, the second-largest economy and biggest developing nation in the world, are encouraged to work hard to accelerate the country's development, not only to surpass their domestic peers but also their international counterparts. 另一方面,中国(世界第二大经济体及全球发展最快的国家)许多行业的工人都被鼓励去努力工作,促进国家发展,以追上同行,赶超世界。

"The economy has slowed as the novel coronavirus epidemic has caused the unemployment rate to increase," Zhang Lin, an associate professor at the University of New Hampshire in the United States, told media outlet LatePost last month. "Also, the glut of talent has put more pressure on people looking for work. It is no wonder workers are complaining. Whenever you quit your job, there is someone to replace you." “现在经济下行,疫情也导致失业率升高,”张琳,现美国新罕布什尔大学助理教授,上个月与媒体《晚点》谈到,“(大量大学生毕业,海归回潮,)人才供给过饱和,你不干总有人干。在这层层压力下,有抱怨也不奇怪。”

原文: 《晚点》:通过高强度工作出人头地,这在中国曾是正面叙事。但同样的强度和梦想,为什么今天人们开始抱怨? 张琳:五六十年代那一辈人认同会更多一些,有国家主人翁意识。现在的年轻人一代比一代更有批判思维,更具有自我意识,更需要自我实现,在工作中对金钱之外的考虑可能会越多。 另一方面,现在经济下行,贸易战对中国在全球的利润空间积压很大,疫情也导致失业率升高,劳工优势也变低了。尤其是非技术类的白领,议价能力不是很高。大量大学生毕业,海归回潮,人才供给过饱和,你不干总有人干。在这层层压力下,有抱怨也不奇怪。

Zhong Ruiqing, an associate professor at Zhejiang University, said that it's also difficult to enforce labor laws that target 996 work schedules. 浙大光华法学院副教授钟瑞庆说到,去执行与996工作制对标的劳动法,是很难的。

"Employees usually work overtime 'voluntarily' because they dare not leave the office when the boss is still on duty," Zhong told LatePost. "Another problem is the inability to enforce rules. Can labor authorities require companies to release their employees at quitting time? Or can they turn off the company's lights at 5 pm?" “员工加班通常是‘自愿’的,到了下班时间,领导仍在工作,他们也不敢走。”钟瑞庆这样和《晚点》说道,“另一个问题是不能有效执法。难道地方劳动法部门能要求公司到下班时间赶人走?或者说到了下午5点就关灯、关门?”

原文: 《晚点》:靠现行《劳动法》,监管部门可以约束 996 吗? 钟瑞庆:现在员工加班,在公司政策层面,形式上都是自愿的。你到了下班时间,理论上你可以回去,但别人都不走,领导也没走,你一个人敢不敢走?所以它实际上成了一种自愿加班氛围。员工实际工作时间绝对超过《劳动法》的规定,但《劳动法》能不能去禁止这样的 “自愿” 加班? 当地方劳动部门去执法的时候,法律依据不足。而且执法也有一定难度,难道要求公司到时间赶人走?比如说到了五点钟关灯、关门?

In addition, Zhong said that tightening supervision over companies relying on the 996 work schedule may reduce the nation's competitiveness. 另外,钟瑞庆表示,加强对实行996工作制的公司的监管可能降低国家竞争力。

"For example, if Shanghai regulates such a schedule, companies may move to another city, causing Shanghai to lose its economic advantage," he said. "And if a nationwide supervisory system is carried out, the nation may see a decrease in its economic competitiveness. So policymakers should weigh the pros and cons." 他还说:“如果上海对996工作制进行管制,公司可能就搬走去其他城市了,上海就失去了经济优势。如果全国监管体系得以运行,可能国家的经济竞争力就会下降。因此,决策层要权衡其中的利与弊。“

原文: 而执法不能只针对一个公司一个行业,今天不仅仅是那几个大互联网公司的员工长时间工作。金融行业、律师、注册会计师还有我们大学老师,也都是超长时间工作。如果普遍执法,假设上海严格限制互联网公司加班,要不要再管券商、基金?如果只有上海管,而其他地方不管,公司可能会搬走,上海竞争力下降。如果全国统一管,可能中国的经济竞争力就下降了。因此,决策层就必须衡量其中的利弊得失。

Gao Qi, a 28-year-old employee at a tech company in Beijing, said that he has been feeling listless after working 996 over the past two years. 北京某科技公司28岁员工——Gao Qi表示,在过去两年间,每天996的工作已经让他疲惫不堪。

"My work time is much more than 12 hours a day under my company's 996 working schedule, if you factor in my commuting time — about two to three hours per round-trip," he said. "I am busy 15 hours a day, six days a week, leaving me only 78 hours a week free of work." “在公司996工作制度下,我每天工作远远超过12个小时,这还不包括我每次2到3个小时通勤时间。”他如此说道,“我每天要花15个小时在工作上,每周工作6天,这样算下来,每周空余时间只剩下78个小时。”

Gao said whether there's an effort to abolish 996 or to give subsidies to overworked employees, "it's time to do something." 高表示,不管是消除996的计划,还是给超负荷工作的员工发放补贴,“是时候做些什么了。”


政府工作报告:今年要帮这些人缓解住房困难! Report on the Work of the Government: Housing Problem Alleviated

新京报快讯(记者 沙雪良) The Beijing News Flash (Reporter: Sha Xueliang)

“尽最大努力帮助新市民、青年人等缓解住房困难”,李克强总理在今年的政府工作报告中,着重强调了这一点。 "Try our best to help the new citizens, young people and others alleviate housing problem." The point that premier Li Keqiang emphasized in the Report on the Work of the Government (Report) this year.

今年政府工作报告,用120余字说明“保障好群众住房需求”的措施。要求做到“坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位,稳地价、稳房价、稳预期”。 The measure "ensure the masses' housing demand" was explained in Report this year. And it also requires the Government fulfill the duty "insist the positioning that housing is for living in, not for speculation. Stabilize land prices, house prices and expectations."

报告提出,“解决好大城市住房突出问题”。具体措施包括:“通过增加土地供应、安排专项资金、集中建设等办法,切实增加保障性租赁住房和共有产权住房供给,规范发展长租房市场,降低租赁住房税费负担”。报告着重强调“尽最大努力帮助新市民、青年人等缓解住房困难”。 Report said, "resolve the Big City's outstanding housing problem." The specific measures are "Increasing the supply of affordable rental housing and mutual-property right housing, developing long rent apartment market in regulation, and reducing the burden of taxes on rental housing by increasing land supply, arranging special funds and concentrating construction."

2020年12月召开的中央经济工作会议,部署了2021年重点工作的八大任务,其中第七项是“解决好大城市住房突出问题”,总的要求是“要坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位,因地制宜、多策并举,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展”,具体措施的150余字中,有10个“租”字:“要高度重视保障性租赁住房建设,加快完善长租房政策,逐步使租购住房在享受公共服务上具有同等权利,规范发展长租房市场。土地供应要向租赁住房建设倾斜,单列租赁住房用地计划,探索利用集体建设用地和企事业单位自有闲置土地建设租赁住房,国有和民营企业都要发挥功能作用。要降低租赁住房税费负担,整顿租赁市场秩序,规范市场行为,对租金水平进行合理调控。” China's the top annual economic meeting that was opened in Dec. 2020 deployed the Eight Tasks about Important Work in 2021, and the seventh is "resolving the Big City's outstanding housing problem". The whole demand is "insisting the positioning that housing is for living in, not for speculation. Adapted the working method to local conditions and took various measures, promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market." And 10 Chinese words "rent" appeared in the next specific measures that had over 150 words: "We should attach great importance to the construction of affordable rental housing, speed up the improvement of long rent apartment policies, gradually enable rental housing to enjoy the same rights in public services, and develop long rent apartment market in regulation. Land supply should be shifted to rental housing construction, rental housing land plans should be listed independently, collective construction land and idle land owned by enterprises and public institutions should be explored to build rental housing, and both state-owned and private enterprises should play a functional role. We should reduce the burden of taxes on rental housing, overhaul the rental market, regulate market behavior, and control the rental level reasonably."

专家认为,今后在大城市,租房将成为主流,这是国家政策鼓励的。 Experts believe that in the future, apartments renting will become a popular trend in the big cities, which is encouraged by the national policy.

据了解,政府工作报告中“尽最大努力帮助新市民、青年人等缓解住房困难”这句话,是经历了一番推敲的,也考虑了落实难度。2014年3月5日,李克强总理做第一份政府工作报告时,政府工作报告起草组成员曾向新京报记者介绍,总理自始至终参加起草,要求“做不到的不要写”。 As far as we know, the statement "Try our best to help the new citizens, young people and others alleviate housing problem." in Report was full of elaboration and also the difficulties had been considered. March 5,2014, when Premier Li Keqiang delivered his first report on the work of the government, the member of the drafting team of the report introduced to the Beijing News reporter that the Premier had participated in the drafting from beginning to end, claiming that "Don’t write about the things you can not do".
